Inspire me
Bring me to life
Show me the unseen world
What is truth?
Does it have a name?
Is it in a religion or a person?
Budism, Hinduism, Seekism, Islam, Christianity...
Will we ever know?
Or are we bound to find out to late?
When our life here is finished
Standing before the eternal Judge
Will there even be a final judgement?
What is real other than what we have
created to be real in our own minds?
Sex before marriage? Yes/No
Abortion? Yes/No
Anything goes nowadays.
“As long as you feel right about it.”
But many things we feel right about
Are pretty fucked up.
To hire a hore equals
A moment of pleasure for you,
but a lifetime op pain for her.
To have sex all around
To satisfy our apitite
Means many kids growing up fatherless
Wifes growing up without a husband
A generation of orphans
Born with a disease they had no choice in.
When will we ever stop hurting?
Trying to find meaning and using each other?
There is a God, this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
I have heard his voice.
Felt His pain for us who run away
Away from his love,
Searching fulfilment in the shadows.
In the dark places that enslave us?
I know your truth that sets free.
But I am intrigued by this world
The world I’ve been locked away from...
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