Saturday, September 28, 2024

Just Breathe

 "Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. No feeling is final." 

There is this sense of disease that I have been carrying the last few days. Todays meditation was a good reminder to work through my feelings. So often we just carry on when we need to take time out to stop and observe. I have found great wisdom in listening to Tamara Levitt on Calm (app). She explained a breathing exercise where you take deep breath (count 4), hold (1,2,3,4) breath out (count 4). 

I don't know why but for some reason breathing has a calming effect on the human body. We have access to this every day, anywhere, anytime. Just breathe. I feel better already. Now I can identify the things that is pressing on me and slowly let go of it. 

It's so important to check in on ourselves, especially if we have little ones. They learn from us and take notice. They want that presence that is so important for connection. We are so often, constantly on our devices that we miss out on them. They are the experts at being in the moment, we can learn so much from them. I often watch how my son, (now two years old) interacts with the world. He is just in the moment. If we tell him about an event that is happening in the future he gets quite upset because he wants it to happen now. He does not understand what the future is. He just knows what is now, and yesterday he also grasps, he understands things that have passed, but tomorrow... what is that?


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