Friday, March 26, 2010


I am intrigued by this world
The world I’ve been locked away form.

Being with a young man.
Half Christian, half Sikh.
Half Indian, Spanish and Dutch.
Half confused, half not so confused.

To feel his dark, fair, velvet skin against mine.
His lips, soft and smooth intoxicates me.
Those big brown Spanish eyes.

What is this world I am caught up in?
Somehow my heart connects with his.
All walls collapse,
As I find myself strangely intrigued

Is it his Indian appearance?
Or his Dutch background?
Maybe it’s his English accent?
Or those intense Spanish eyes?
Either way, I am spellbound.

So what is truth?
What is forbidden and what is allowed?
Things that seem taboo yesterday,
Are the latest trend today.

Love is not a feeling, it’s a choice.
But it’s a choice based on a feeling.
Even beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Here today, gone tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Inspire me
Bring me to life
Show me the unseen world

What is truth?
Does it have a name?
Is it in a religion or a person?
Budism, Hinduism, Seekism, Islam, Christianity...

Will we ever know?
Or are we bound to find out to late?
When our life here is finished
Standing before the eternal Judge

Will there even be a final judgement?
What is real other than what we have
created to be real in our own minds?

Sex before marriage? Yes/No
Abortion? Yes/No
Anything goes nowadays.
“As long as you feel right about it.”
But many things we feel right about
Are pretty fucked up.

To hire a hore equals
A moment of pleasure for you,
but a lifetime op pain for her.

To have sex all around
To satisfy our apitite
Means many kids growing up fatherless
Wifes growing up without a husband
A generation of orphans
Born with a disease they had no choice in.

When will we ever stop hurting?
Trying to find meaning and using each other?

There is a God, this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
I have heard his voice.
Felt His pain for us who run away
Away from his love,
Searching fulfilment in the shadows.

In the dark places that enslave us?
I know your truth that sets free.

But I am intrigued by this world
The world I’ve been locked away from...